As I sit here slaving at my job I decided to post a short blog. All morning I have had trouble with Windows Live. People leave me comments and then I can't get back to most of them. People I have had on my friends list for years are now gone and when I go to do something Live tells me I'm not their friend. So I go and invite them and watch this donut spin around and around just to have it tell me a minute later that we are unable to honor your request, please try again later. Even as calm as I am this is going to be one of those times when a little excitement is going to be neccessary. Maybe eventually someone will see that I am over here on blogger and come by for a visit. If not there will probably be lots of posts on here for me to read and look back upon.
I'm still working out the bugs on here and figuring out how to put things where I want them and get the look I want. Ain't got much for no education so this could take a bit of time but I'll Get R Dun. Seems to be a lot more user friendly than when I started blogging. My wife was smart and able to figure the html out but now you apparently don't need to know any of that stuff. Works for me. I'm working on getting some photos over here so maybe if my work load lets up today I can figure that out. I'm a busy man ya know and don't have a lot of time to do this at work.
Next time I'm leaving comments on blogs by blogger I'll hint that I'm over here somewhere. Don't ask me how you find me cause I'm still trying to figure that one out. Maybe I can leave a link for someone to follow if they'd like.
Ok now it's time for me to go back to work so guess I'll close for now.
Talk at ya'll later
I love it, Curtis 'cause it's not easy to be on Blogger and comment on ya'll people on MSN! Welcome, pal. I was gonna say "HEY, aren't you supposed to be at work?" But, you clarified that in your post. :)
Sally sent me! I love it here!!
What is this w-w-w-w.....I can't bring myself to type it........ that 4 letter word of which they speak, Curtis? You know I don't speak much Canuck but that sounds an awful lot like one of them dirty words to me.
Well, Curtis, I'm a Live Spaces refugee, too--for all the aggravations you mentioned in your posting.
Spaces was my home for about five years (when it really DID feel like home--a community--before they decided to "fix" things). I insisted for the longest time that I wouldn't jump ship and watched as, one by one, friends left or simply disappeared. In time the frustrations became too much to endure enduring so, a couple weeks ago, I reclaimed my Blogger account and started an active journal here.
Because I've just begun reading Canuckville, I don't have much to go on yet, apart from the good energy here, and look forward to reading more of your essays.
So far, I like what I've read here.
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