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A Little About What Little I Know About Myself

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Hold On I Know I Wrote This Down Somewhere, Canada
Just a quiet country boy who believes in remaining calm at all times even though there are times when a little excitement is necessary. I also believe in living each day to it's fullest because when it's over you can never have it back and it makes one less you have coming. I was married to the most wonderful woman in the world, my late wife Ellen. She will always have a place in my heart. I like cooking, dining out, traveling, shopping, gambling, blogging, bling and I love my truck cause she's pretty and fast. Oh and let's not forget food.

June 21, 2010

This Ain't My First Time, But My First Time Here

Well check this out! I'm sure a lot of you have probably heard how things are going at MSN Live these days. If you haven't then let me tell you, things are a bit of a mess. Someone decided to take what wasn't broke and fix it. Yep you heard right. I've had this Blogger account since 2006 but have never done anything with it until now. This could be my new home to sit and write and communicate with my blogging friends. A lot of my friends use blogger so I'm going to give it a shot. It's going to probably take me awhile to figure out the look of my page but for now I'll do the basic thing and do my best to post something worth reading. As stated in the title of this post, this ain't my first time because I have been blogging since 2005 if memory serves me.
Ok enough babbling for now but I wanted to get something started here so this is my first feeble attempt.


Phyllis said...

Hey, I like this Curtis!! Easier for me to comment on too!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Curtis!
I'm a first time visitor here (found you through Toodie, a fellow former-MSN Spaces blogger). I enjoyed your last Blogger posting, so decided to come back here to the first so I could learn a little more about you.
Your blog is a good place to be; I enjoy your content and writing style, and will read through to the most current posting.

By way of introduction:

"Hello, Curtis; I'm Marge--pleased to meet you."